Publication 3:

Assessing Commercial CLEANBOLUS Based onSilicone for Clinical Use


Jaeman Son, Seongmoon Jung, Jong Min Park, Chang Heon Choi, Jung-in Kim


Progress in Medical Physics






We investigated the properties of CLEANBOLUS based on silicone with suitable characteristics for clinical use.


A flexible film dosimeter with active layers consisting of radiochromic-sensitive films and flexible silicone materials was constructed. The dose-response, sensitivity, scanning orientation dependence, energy dependence, and dose rate dependence of the flexible film dosimeter were tested. Irradiated dosimeters were scanned 24 h post-irradiation, and the region of interest was 5 mm 9 5 mm. Biological stability tests ensured the safety of application of the flexible film dosimeter for patients. A preliminary clinical study with the flexible film dosimeter was implemented on four patients.


We evaluated the characteristics of CLEANBOLUS and compared the results with the commercial product (Super-Flex bolus). Also, we conducted physical evaluations, including shore hardness, element composition, and elongation break. Transparency was investigated through the measured absorbance within the visible region (400–700 nm). Also, dosimetric characteristics were investigated with surface dose and beam quality. Finally, the volume of unwanted air gap was investigated based on computed tomography images for breast, chin, and nose using Super-Flex bolus and CELANBOLUS.


The physical properties of CLEANBOLUS, including excellent adhesive strength and lower shore hardness, reduce unwanted air gaps and ensure accurate dose distribution. Therefore, it would be an alternative to other boluses, thus improving clinical use efficiency.
